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Christine Pierce on the microbiome and cancer, part I: Cancer etiology

This blog post is Part I in a two-part series on the microbiome and cancer. See here for Part II.

Some of the earliest-observed links between the human microbiome and cancer were the distinct patterns found in the microbiomes of healthy individuals compared to those with various carcinomas. Study...

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The science behind Bill Gates’ vision: Will next-generation sequencing realistically contribute to solving the problem of child undernutrition?

In a recent lecture at the University of Cambridge, Bill Gates argued that the key to solving child malnutrition, one of the biggest global contributors to inequity, lies in deeper understanding of the gut microbiome. Much microbiome research has focussed on the influence of the gut microbiome on...

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Shallow Shotgun Sequencing: A Primer

It is common for microbiome researchers to struggle over the choice between 16S sequencing or shotgun metagenome sequencing (SMS) for their study. When deciding which sequencing technique to use, it is essential to consider a number of factors including the research question, study design and cost....

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Considerations when choosing a collection device for your fecal samples

With so many options of fecal collection devices available for gut microbiome studies, how do you choose the best one for your research?

The primary purpose of a sample collection device is to capture a representative in vivo microbial sample capable of generating high-quality and reproducible data...

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Why study probiotics for inflammatory bowel diseases?

Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a collective term for chronic inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, which include Crohn’s disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC). These conditions are characterized by alternating phases of inflammation and mucosal tissue damage (active...

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Interpreting your fecal short-chain fatty acid data

Humans are unable to digest the bulk of dietary fibres without the help of anaerobic bacterial populations that convert the indigestible compounds to a form we are readily able to use. Short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) are bioactive molecules that are a metabolic by-product of bacterial fermentation...

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Global initiative focuses on agricultural microbiomes to link productivity, food quality, and better health

The worldwide demand for food crops is only increasing and research is proving that plant and soil microbes are crucial to the growth and production of crops. Therefore, it’s highly important to gain a thorough understanding of these microbiomes and the influence of climate change on them, in order...

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Studying the Microbiota-Gut-Brain Axis and Behaviour

The involvement of the gut microbiome in communication with the brain and its influence on human behaviour is an exciting area of research. The bidirectional signalling between the gastrointestinal (GI) tract (including gut microbes) and the brain, termed the microbiota-gut-brain axis, is regulated...

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Happy International Women's Day from Microbiome Insights

At Microbiome Insights, we're proud of the women on our team who help us do what we do. It's important to us that we recruit only the best and most driven individuals -- and we are proud that more than 40% of our employees and leaders are women. 

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Should everyone in the microbiome field adopt the same standards?

The need for standardization is a popular topic at recent microbiome conferences. With technologies having advanced rapidly over the past two decades, is the field now ready to define and adopt standard operating protocols (SOPs) for all stages of microbiome research, from sampling to analysis?...

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