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Kristina Campbell, M.Sc., is a professional science communicator and engagement specialist who writes, consults, and works with scientific advisory boards for microbiome-related organizations throughout Europe and North America. Her special expertise lies in the area of nutrition and the gut microbiome. She has authored The Well-Fed Microbiome Cookbook (Rockridge Press, 2016) and has co-authored Gut Microbiota: Interactive Effects on Nutrition and Health (Elsevier, 2018), the first academic textbook on this topic aimed at dietitians and other health professionals. She is pleased to work with Microbiome Insights on a part-time basis, leading scientific communication activities and medical education initiatives.

Entries by Kristina Campbell

World Microbiome Day 2024

On World Microbiome Day, six microbiome experts summarize the science of feeding your gut

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Inspiring stories from women in microbiome science, on International Day of Women and Girls in Science

Roles in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) are critical for any country’s prosperity and economic success, but most countries in the world have not achieved gender equality in STEM-related fields. The United Nations’ (UN) International Day of Women and Girls in Science on...

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Christine Pierce on the microbiome and cancer, part II: Optimizing treatment

This blog post is Part II in a series on the microbiome and cancer. See here for Part I.

Attempting to understand the microbiome’s role in cancer etiology for possible prevention and diagnosis of various cancers is certainly worthwhile. But since each type of cancer probably has a highly nuanced...

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Christine Pierce on the microbiome and cancer, part I: Cancer etiology

This blog post is Part I in a two-part series on the microbiome and cancer. See here for Part II.

Some of the earliest-observed links between the human microbiome and cancer were the distinct patterns found in the microbiomes of healthy individuals compared to those with various carcinomas. Study...

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‘What to expect when you’re expecting to grow old’: An interview with Whole Body Microbiome co-authors, Drs. Jessica and Brett Finlay

As microbiome science advances rapidly, the number of books on microbiome-related topics is growing—yet it can be difficult to find reliable, science-based information. The hottest new microbiome book not only contains robust scientific information, but has suggestions on how to apply the findings...

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Ten Microbiome Thought Leaders You Need to Know

Day in and day out, the Microbiome Insights team is immersed in scientific work on the microbiome. But on this very first World Microbiome Day, we’re taking a moment to step back and consider what—and who—made this remarkable field what it is today.

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New tools could mean profound changes ahead in medicine, says Canadian Medical Hall of Fame inductee Dr. Brett Finlay

Six exceptional individuals have been inducted into the Canadian Medical Hall of Fame in 2018 -- and one of them is Microbiome Insights' co-founder Dr. B. Brett Finlay, University of British Columbia Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at the Faculty of Medicine, and Peter Wall...

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